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Embracing a continuous learning culture
Embracing a continuous learning culture ~
Over 50 CPD courses
Introductory Paediatric Bobath Course
Paediatric Splinting and Casting Course
Integrate with success - retained primitive reflexes by integrated learning strategies.
Dyspraxia Treatment & Intervention
Star Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder: Spatial Reasoning and its Impact on Movement and Posture
Handwriting without Tears
Spiral Foundation's Clinical Observation: Assessment and Interpretation
Cranial Sacral Introductory Course
Sheila Frick Core Pathways Course
Astronaut Training
Sensory Integration and Autism Course
The Out of Sync Child
The Wilbarger – Sensory Defensiveness technique
Advanced Therapeutic Listening Course
MORE: Integrating the mouth with sensory and postural functions (Oetter & Richter)
Vestibular-Visual Matters
Listening With the whole Body (Therapeutic Listening)
Impact of Breath on Function
The Traffic Jam in My Brain
Building Blocks for Sensory Integration
The Auditory-Language Processing Connection
Spirit Model
Patti Oetter - 5-day treatment intensive
Advanced Therapeutic Listening
Quick Shifts: Revolutionising the Use of Sound in Sensorimotor Integrative Treatment
The building blocks of Sensory Integration
Forbrain training
Creating Effective Precision, Performance, and Power in Sensory Diets
Introductory DIR/Floortime Training course and Regulatory Disorders
Greenspan Basic Level DIR®-Floortime™
Social Thinking Online courses: Zones of Regulation, Social Thinking & Webinar Series
Making Sense of Play SI course
Implementing Grow Your Mind Course
Motivational Strategies for OT Practice
Trauma Informed Practice: Exploring & Applying PsychoSensory interventions in your Practice
Becoming a Behavioural Detective: Understanding and Supporting Complex Behaviour
An Introception-Based Approach for Supporting Trauma and Learning
Trauma Sensitive Practice
Understanding Trauma & Understanding Secondary Trauma
Supporting Children who experience Anxiety
Sensorimotor Approach to Arousal, Regulation and Developmental Trauma
Psycho-Sensory Intervention: TraumaI Informed Practice
The Art of Therapy and Connection
Makaton Signing Course
Animal Assisted Therapy
Annual 'ASD: What works and why?' course by ICDL
Autism Matters
Tony Attwood’s Online Course: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Different Way of Thinking, Learning, and Managing Emotions
Kim Barthel: Decoding Autism course and Sensory Integration: Foundations and Neuroscience
Raising an ADHD'er
Centre for Cultural Competence Australia: A Foundation in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence
Philippine Society for Developmental and Behavioral Regional Symposium's EASE in the Collaborative Care of Children with Exceptional Needs