Discover why choosing us is choosing excellence,

We’re constantly evolving, yet our core values remain rock-solid!

We’ve created a clinic where your child and family are accepted and embraced openly for who they are. Our focus lies in creating fun and engaging connections to encourage therapeutic growth.

Our support doesn’t stop there. We have an exceptional team where passion fuels purpose, and we are all about empowering our clients to discover their unique place in the world.

We base our service on our founding principles.

specialised OT for children

constant evolution

We're committed to ongoing learning and excellence in our field. Through formal education, mentorship, and feedback from our valued clients, we ensure our evidence-based services evolve to meet the needs of the clients we have the privilege of working with.

Play based therapy

fun fuelling function

We highly value empowering our clients and their families. Enabling them to take charge of their journey towards growth and development. We believe in creating sessions founded on the bedrock of connection, recognising each child's uniqueness. Our mission is to ignite the spark of playfulness and fun in your child, for it's in that moment of engagement that the magic of transformation truly begins.

SAutism ADHD Neurodivergent therapist

passionate team

We count ourselves fortunate to do what we love, but it doesn't stop there, as passion doesn’t create results! Our passion for learning extends beyond formal education to the insights we gain from the clients and families we serve. We're passionate and confident about the invaluable role our therapy plays in our clients and their families' journey, which drives us to keep giving and doing our best for the clients we work with.

Providing a safe space


where you are surrounded by like-minded individuals


on a similar journey


Providing a safe space 〰️ where you are surrounded by like-minded individuals 〰️ on a similar journey 〰️